Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekend Challenge

Simplify one drawer. Just one. Get rid of anything that has a stain, rip, is too short, not flattering, or doesn't make you feel good. That may not leave anything in my drawer :) ~Melanie


  1. Not a whole lot left in my drawer either!

  2. This actually scares me....every drawer in my house is filled with STUFF! I will try... :)

  3. I decided to clear my mind and have my breakfast and coffee in the backyard this mornning.. so peacful w/o children so nice...

  4. Something about cleaning out old drawers and closet's really in some sense is great therapy. Over the last couple weekends I have been going through my whole house, starting with bedrooms, then off to bathrooms, then off to the kitchen and dining room, Last but not least the front yard! This took a few weekends, but was great getting rid of so much old stuff, and The feeling of out with the old in with the new, is a great feeling. Good Therapy for yourself, at least for me, to take my mind of any life stress's!
